Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Animal Inside of Me

Yayy! I have another outfit post for you guys. I've actually been thinking about wearing this outfit for a couple of weeks, but now it's actually manifested into reality. The difference between this outfit post and the last outfit post, is that I show the outfit in a few different ways by changing the belt. Just so you know, here's what I'm wearing(not including the belts) : a blue and purple leopard print dress from American Eagle(yes the dress is leopard print,even though it's hard to tell, I've had the dress for at least a year and I didn't figure that out until today), gray leggings from JcPenney's, gray ballet flats(and trust me they are reeaaalllyy flat) with flowers on them from Payless(well, maybe, I'm not sure), a pink and black(or maybe navy blue) leopard hair bow from Michael's, a purple and white striped bracelet from American Eagle(it came in a set with three other bracelets), a silver bracelet, and a black "One Way to Play" bracelet. So anyway let's get started, and as always hope you enjoy it, and I hope that I'm inspiring your wardrobe!

Belt #1-the belt that came with the dress:

I really love this pic, but I hate the fact that my belt is crooked in it!

Belt #2-A Silver/Gray Belt(my personal favorite):

Belt #3- Well actually, it's no belt at all:

Now I just have a few other pics of the outfit that don't really go along with the three different catagories, but they just help to get the whole effect of the outfit.

Don't you just love that bow?? I know I sure do! :)

This is one of my fave pics with this outfit because you can actually see ALL of it, and I like the way I look in this pic :D

Now on another note, I have something pretty cool to tell you guys. The other day I was looking for some new apps for my iPod Touch and I found this app called Go Try It On. It's also a website, and basically what it does is help you decide whether your outfit, hair, make-up, etc. is good or not by having people vote on it. First you upload a picture(to your computer, or if you use your iPod, iPhone, or whatever else, you can take a picture right then, or upload one from your photo library). Next, you get to categorize your picture based on what type of event you are going to wear your outfit to(anything from "a family event" to "a casual day"). Lastly, before actually submitting your outfit, you can add any additional details you deem necessary. Finally, everyone gets to vote. The voting process works like this: if you just have one outfit(one picture) then the people get to vote-"Wear It" or "Change It", and if you have more than one outfit(more than one picture), then they will vote on which one they like best(can be up to four pics), or they can vote that you shouldn't wear any of them. Additionally, people can leave comments about what they think of the outfit and things of that nature. And of course, while you are waiting to see the results on your outfit you can vote and comment on other people's outfits! 

Personally, I feel like Go Try It On is the Yahoo! Answers of buying and wearing clothes, and let me just say, I love it! So everyone go check it out and enjoy the fun for yourself!

P.S.-Oops, I almost forgot, here's a link to the website!

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