About Me- Ryann B.

Hey Dolls and Dears<3,

I'm Ryann B, a 14 year old girl from Virginia. I love fashion, writing, shopping, music, friends, shopping, family, shopping, and did I mention shopping?? :) I also like to dance(I take hip-hop dance classes) and act(I'm in the drama club at my school). In my future I would like to become a writer for a fashion magazine, a fashion stylist, a songwriter, a journalist, or something else, as long as I get to use my creative mind. I created this blog because this is a way I can at least start to pursue my dreams. I hope you all will join me as I continue to explore fashion and other things! :)

With Love,
Ryann B.

P.S- Need to contact me??? Email me at ryannsrunway@gmail.com, for questions and anything else that you might need to address.  :)