Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hippe Shades: Peace, Love, and Tacky??? :)

As you guys know(from my last post), I went out of town(well, actually, I went out of state) this past weekend. I went to South Carolina, so naturally, I had to make a stop at South of the Border. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically just a little tourist stop off of interstate 95 that is at the border of North Carolina and South Carolina, and there's just a bunch of little gift shops and restaurants, and stuff like that. If you want more info on it, you can click here.

So anyway, while there, I we decided to stop at one of the little shops(it was called Pantry or something like that) and get some souvenirs. We looked around a bit and I ended up getting these pair of hippie shades, that have the peace signs across the frames. To be honest, I guess it's basically just a tacky tourist item, but being the girl I am, I couldn't resist getting them(especially when they only cost $3.50!) . Plus, I'm pretty sure that if I paired them with the right outfit, I could totally make a huge fashion statement(well, maybe)!

So anyway, here's a few pics of my new sunglasses, hope you like them :)

Oh, and just so you know, I didn't wear the glasses with the outfit I have on the pics, it's just what I was wearing at the time.

Sunglasses- $3.50, The Feeling I Got From Buying Them- Priceless :)

It's really weird that they sunshades actually look good on me. Usually circular sunglasses don't look good on my face.

If you're a hippie, and you're happy, clap your hands! *clap, clap* :)

Close-up time!

I love the teal color at the top of the shades!

I like the way they look on top of my head too :)


  1. aaww cute sunnies :)

  2. Very cool shades! I would totally wear them. Cool blog. hope to see more of you soon!
    xoxo asiahlynn

  3. Thanks for the comment! <3 I knew saw something in these shades, it was love at first sight! :)

  4. love your glasses, they're so cool! ;D


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